Sunday, February 7, 2010


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u'r right with the words


  1. I just LOVE this photo. It feels like an announcement for something BIG! Wouldn't it be great on the side of a bus? Or a billboard along the highway?

  2. I was chatting to a friend about the validity/value of small art compared to massive, just yesterday. I'll send her over for a look. Do you think small art gets as much attention as massive pieces?

  3. robyn...i don't think so...these 3 are deep into discussing the process of photos on glass, forgot that age old technique name.
    but, these BIG people are big in the local art world and are 1.artist and owner of a gallery(that carries graceann worn) 2. board member of council for area arts and 3. director of county's education for the arts...and, friends of the artists. so they notice. others, not so much i think.

  4. For me, small art grabs my heart and curiosity first. I WANT to look and see and uncover the mystery and the secret. Large art DEMANDS attention by all due to its size. I am wondering if there is a masculine/feminine thing to it? Or is it the Demand/Discovery element that attracts? Small art fits in homes better :-)

  5. Small art fits into homes better .... a point I made too, but there is small and there's small.

  6. sometimes i think BIG art only gets attention because it is so big and its actual greatness has nothing to do with the actual art. and that bugs me. maybe i'm just jealous :) but seriously...i think anything that initially stands out as too this or that will get the most attention but like a vapid beautiful can be boring after awhile. too loud. too bossy. i'm not apt to like very tiny art, i guess i would prefer MASSIVE over i like huge dogs over miniature. but 'normal' sized is more approachable and fun to digest.
